Catholic Diocess of Warri - Delta State, Nigeria.
Good Shepherd Catholic Boys' School, Oyede.

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GSCBoss Cookie & Privacy Policy (GCPP)

Our GCPP was designed for users of this website to continue to access our all exclusive educational contents for free. By so doing, we need to ensure your consent to store the information we collect about you on this website. This information may be collected at various times during your visit to this website, especially when you need to fill in request forms, questionnaires and other forms that requires certain information from you. Most times, you may be asked to provide us with personal information (for example your name and contact details). This may be in connection with activities such as complains, enquiries, payments for school fees, book/uniform purchases, subscribing for a services, entering competitions, participating in surveys, etc.

Kindly note that your consent to store your information in our website will last until:

(1) you delete all cookies from your computer (following which you will re-consent to accepting cookies the next time you visit again) or
(2) the launch of a new website when a new consent will be obtained.

Please note also that wherever and whenever the words "we", "us" and "our" in this GCPP exist, they are references to Good Shepherd Catholic Boys’ Secondary School, Oyede  located within Isoko South L.G.A., via Oleh-Irri Road, Oyede - Delta State, Nigeria.

Protecting your privacy is very important to us and we may however appoint third parties to store and process your information on our behalf. This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data is used.

If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to how we process your information, please contact us using our CONTACT US page.

Kindly know that we reserve the right to change the terms of this policy from time to time and your continued use of our website will be deemed to be acceptance of any amendments we make. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 20th December, 2023.

For further information about cookies, please visit the link below.

... your privacy is very important to us and we may however appoint third parties to store and process your information on our behalf. This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data ...

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